CFP: The Tempests: Iterations of Brave New Worlds
Shakespeare’s The Tempest, his last solely authored play, has been a source of awe and wonder since its initial performance. This collection of essays seeks to explore The Tempest’s critical reception in South America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and other non-Anglophone nations.
How has Caliban been received in South America, Africa, and Asia? How have post-colonial reiterations of The Tempest altered our perceptions of Caliban?
How has Derek Jarman’s queer punk version presented the play in a fashion that alters heteronormative treatments of the play? How has the eco-critical movement influenced productions of the play ? In what ways have third-wave feminisms altered audiences’ perceptions of Miranda and Sycorax? What allegiances may be formed between Caliban and Miranda?
Preference will be given to rewritings, iterations, and representations of The Tempest within the last 40 years.
Issues of National Identity, Race, and Ethnicity in The Tempest
Third -wave feminisms and The Tempest
The Meanings and Representations of the Magic and Sorcery in The Tempest
The Problematics of Pedagogy, The Tempest, and the Undergraduate Class-room
The Grotesque Body in The Tempest
Homosociality and Queer Affiliations in The Tempest
The Cultural Function of the Masque in The Tempest
The Green World: The Tempest and Eco-criticism
Digital Iterations of The Tempest
Please email abstracts of 500 words to W. Reginald Rampone, Jr., South Carolina State University ( and Chantal Zabus, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord ( by December 15, 2024.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Bénédicte Meillon (28 août 2024). CFP: The Tempests: Iterations of Brave New Worlds. Écopoétique. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse