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Associations universitaires


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Liter(n)ature :

Ce site s’insère dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche, financé par l’Université de Gand, dirigé par Pierre Schoentjes et intitulé Littérature, Environnement et Écologie : une approche écopoétique de la fiction contemporaine française, italienne, germanophone et anglophone. Page facebook.

Alliance for Wild Ethics (AWE) :

The Alliance for Wild Ethics (AWE) is a consortium of individuals and organizations working to ease the spreading devastation of the animate earth through a rapid transformation of culture. We employ the arts, often in tandem with the natural sciences, to provoke deeply felt shifts in the human experience of nature. Motivated by a love for the more-than-human collective of life, and for human life as an integral part of that wider collective, we work to revitalize local, face-to-face community – and to integrate our communities perceptually, practically, and imaginatively into the earthly bioregions that surround and support them.

Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) :

L’Association pour l’étude de la littérature et de l’environnement est la principale association professionnelle regroupant des spécialistes américains et internationaux de l’écocritisme et des sciences humaines de l’environnement.
ASLE seeks to inspire and promote intellectual work in the environmental humanities and arts. Our vision is an inclusive community whose members are committed to environmental research, education, literature, art and service, environmental justice, and ecological sustainability.

European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and Environement (EASLCE) :

By promoting research and education in the fields of literary, cultural and environmental studies, EASLCE aims to cultivate a better understanding of the interrelationship between natures and cultures for a more sustainable future.
EASLCE recognizes that dialogue and cooperation across disciplinary and cultural boundaries is essential to that task, and therefore seeks to foster a diverse community of scholars, educators, and artists who share a concern for environmental issues.
In the pursuit of these aims, EASLCE supports:

  • scholarly and creative work in environmental literature, arts, and humanities;
  • activities that promote the dialogue between the academic community and the general public;
  • advocacy for and maintenance of ecologically sustainable practices.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Bénédicte Meillon (23 octobre 2019). Associations universitaires. Écopoétique. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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