Journée d’étude : “An Aesthetics of the Sea in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland”
La première journée d’étude du programme “Hands across the sea” coorganisée par l’Université des Highlands & Islands (UHI) et l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale (HCTI) aura lieu le jeudi 3 juin 2021, 16h-19h, en ligne
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“An Aesthetics of the Sea in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland”, 3-6pm (GMT), 3rd June 2021 (online). Free & open to academics & the public.
Alexandra Campbell, University of Glasgow: “‘Watching the sea transfer our future’: The Politics and Poetics of Marine Futures”
Monika Szuba, University of Gdańsk: “Between Aesthetics and Ethics: The Melancholy Whale in Kathleen Jamie’s Work”
Stephen Hurrel, Artist: “Fluid States: The Cinematic Sea and Thoughts From The Near Future” (Visual Presentation)
Anne Frater, Lews Castle College, UHI: “An sàl a’ tighinn gu bàrr/ The brine rising up” (Poetry Reading)
Anna-Wendy Stevenson, Lews Castle College, UHI: “‘Gold from the Machair and Silver from the Sea’: An exploration of the Hebridean island environment as inspiration for creative practice illustrated with musical excerpts from ‘Suite Uist’” (Paper & Performance)
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Bénédicte Meillon (25 mai 2021). Journée d’étude : “An Aesthetics of the Sea in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland”. Écopoétique. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse