Parution du n°64 de la revue Caliban
L’amour des animaux. Exploration des liens animaux dans la littérature et la culture anglophone / Animal Love. Considering Animal Attachments in Anglophone Literature and Culture, numéro coordonné par Françoise Besson, Marcel Delpoux et Scott Slovic.
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Table of contents / Table des matières
Georges Van Haverbeke: Préface ……………………………………………….. 13
Scott Slovic, Françoise Besson: Introduction ………………………………… 17
Marcel Delpoux: De la prédation à l’affection dans la biosphère ……… 63
Part 1. L’animal mal aimé : de l’inquiétant symbole au hors-la-loi
et au laissé-pour-compte / Unloved Animals: from the Worrying
Symbol to the Outlaw and the Rejected Beast
Michael Hollington: Dickens, Grip and the Corvid Family ……………… 81
Asena Ulus: The Passion for Animal in Derrida: Following the Steps
of an Outlaw ……………………………………………………………………………….. 101
Part 2. Des espèces compagnes au monde sauvage : pourquoi la
relation humain/non-humain diffère-t-elle? / From Companion
Species to the Wild World: Why is the Human/Non-Human
Relationship Different?
Catherine Lisak: “A fit companion for my side:” the Virtue of the
Companion Cat in Early Modern / Post-Reformation Narratives ……….. 123
Beatrice Orlandini: “Land-Minds” and “Soft Human Paws:”
Animals in the Poetry of Derek Mahon ………………………………………….. 147
Montserrat López Mújica : Les loups et les ours : une histoire
d’amour difficile …………………………………………………………………………. 171
Samia Ounoughi: Of Alpinists and Domestic and Wild Animals in
the Alps (1857-1899): a Corpus Analysis ……………………………………….. 189
Part 3. L’amour animal comme conscience de la relation de
l’humain au monde / Animal Love as the Conscience of the
Relationship between Humans and the World
Benjamin Ferguson: Alaska Native Animal Love and Nancy Lord’s
Beluga Days ……………………………………………………………………………….. 211
Brendan Firth: Johnny Half-Breed, American Indian Identity as a
Communion with Animals and Nature …………………………………………… 233
Adriana Serban: Translation as a Winged Magic Horse: Reflections
on “Tinereţe fără bătrâneţe şi viaţă fără de moarte” …………………………. 251
Part 4. Quels types d’amour ? Du contact au partage / What Kind
of Love? From Contact to Sharing
Jonathan Pollock:Tortoise Love: DH Lawrence on Reptile Orgasm … 271
Thomas Pughe: Nature’s Social Union: Re-Reading Anthropomorphism
in Poetry About Animals …………………………………………………….. 283
Juliane Ducret: Experiencing a Common Story with Non-Human
Beings: a Story about Sharing ………………………………………………………. 309
Contributors ……………………………………………………………………………… 325
Détours / Detours
Andrew McKeown: Creature Comforts ………………………………………… 333
Andrew McKeown: Baby …………………………………………………………… 337
Eline de Mathuisieulx: Look Down ……………………………………………… 341
Kev Reynolds: Four Legs and a Tail …………………………………………….. 343
Marie-Claude Fleyfel: Amour, quel amour ? ………………………………… 345
Lina Abyad: L’Enfant gâté ………………………………………………………….. 349
Marianne Marroum: C’est moi, Nounou, une chatte timide et
affectueuse …………………………………………………………………………………. 353
Colette Selles: Le conte de fées de Mahanne ………………………………….. 364
Michel Chambert: L’Amour des animaux …………………………………….. 365
Françoise Besson: Vol d’amour, vol d’espoir ………………………………… 369
Zelia Bora: The Blue House and the Heavenly Light ……………………… 373
Recensions / Reviews
Heloise Thomas: After Queer Studies. Literature, Theory, and
Sexuality in the 21st Century (Tyler Bradway and E. L. McCallum) …… 379
Corinne Bigot: Canadian Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror:
Bridging the Solitudes (Amy Ransom and Dominick Grace) …………….. 382
Léna Loza: Caribbean New Orleans. Empire, Race, and the Making
of a Slave Society (Cécile Vidal) …………………………………………………… 385
Nathalie Duclos: The British Constitution Resettled. Parliamentary
Sovereignty Before and After Brexit (Jim McConalogue) …………………. 388
Hélène Lecossois: Irish on the Move: Performing Mobility in
American Variety Theatre (Michelle Granshaw) ……………………………… 392
Michel Imbert : Melville et l’usage des plaisirs (Edouard Marsoin) …. 394
Nicolas Labarre: Monstrous Imaginaries. The Legacy of
Romanticism in comics (Maaheen Ahmed) …………………………………….. 398
Jean Viviès: Poetics of the Pillory. English Literature and Seditious
Libel, 1660-1820 (Thomas Keymer) ……………………………………………… 402
Charlène Cruxent: Shakespeare’s Englishes: Against Englishness
(Margaret Tudeau-Clayton) ………………………………………………………….. 403
Marlene Ritter, Jessica Gienow-Hecht: Cultural Diplomacy in
Europe: Between the Domestic and the International (Caterina Carta
and Richard Higgot) …………………………………………………………………….. 407
Table of illustrations / Table des illustrations ……………………………… 411
Table of Contents / Table des matières ……………………………………….. 413
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Bénédicte Meillon (20 juillet 2021). Parution du n°64 de la revue Caliban. Écopoétique. Consulté le 8 octobre 2024 à l’adresse