“Poetry and Resilience: Climate, Migration, Adaptation”, Mina Gorji, jeudi 22 septembre à 16h30.
Séminaire Politique de la littérature du laboratoire CECILLE (Lille),
Mina Gorji présentera notamment ses recueils Art of Escape (Carcanet, 2020) et Scale (Carcanet, 2022).
Le séminaire se tiendra en présence à l’Université de Lille, site Pont de Bois, en salle B0.610.
Il est également possible d’y assister à distance en suivant ce lien zoom :https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/j/95766146867?pwd=aVVwRzJVVmZUdDFpTGNZZTBnbmRQdz09
ID de réunion : 957 6614 6867
Code secret : 404568
Plus d’informations sur le séminaire ici : https://plitterature.hypotheses.org/
Mina Gorji was born in Iran and lives in Cambridge, where she is Associate Professor at the Faculty of English, University of Cambridge and a fellow of Pembroke college. Her debut poetry collection, Art of Escape (Carcanet, 2020) , a Telegraph ‘Book of the Month’, has been described as a collection of “exquisite miniatures that suggest worlds” (5 books), “intricate, considered poems which encourage us to democratise our attention and empathy” (Guardian). In 2017 she judged the resurgence (now Gingko) prize for eco-poetry with Lavinia Greenlaw. She has also written a study of John Clare’s poetry, and essays on weeds, rudeness, little things and listening. Her lyric essay Listening for Stars was published by The Poetry Review in 2021. https://poetrysociety.org.uk/essay-listening-for-stars/ This year she has been awarded a British Academy mid-Career Fellowship to complete a study of listening in and to Romantic poetry. Scale (Carcanet, 2022), her second poetry collection, has been has been described as a work of “deep sonic attention” (Irish Times).
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Bénédicte Meillon (21 septembre 2022). “Poetry and Resilience: Climate, Migration, Adaptation”, Mina Gorji, jeudi 22 septembre à 16h30. Écopoétique. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o1a2